Symbolic images of global tariff and its classification.

What is tariff classification?

When items are imported into a country, a process known as tariff classification is performed to obtain the correct classification code for those goods. Following that, the import taxes and duties that apply to the items are calculated using this code. To make sure that imported items are taxed and duty-paid correctly, the tariff categorization system is used.

Categorization of tariffs is important.

In order to ensure that commodities are taxed fairly and that the government is bringing in the appropriate amount of money, tariff categorization is a crucial step in the process of international trade. Without accurate categorization, products could be wrongly categorised and taxed, putting an undue burden on the importer or causing the government to lose money.

How does HS code function?

Find the HS code.

The Harmonized System (HS) code, a globally accepted coding system used to identify commodities, is identified at the outset of the tariff classification process. Customs officials all across the world use the HS code to categorise commodities and establish the relevant import duties and levies. The code is a six-digit number, where the first two digits stand in for the chapter, the next two digits for the heading, and the final two digits for the subheading. For instance, the HS code “87.02.00” for a car would mean that it falls under Chapter 87 (vehicles, aeroplanes, and parts thereof) and subsection “02.00.” (vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof).

Determine the customs duty.

The importer must then determine the applicable duties and taxes for the items once the HS code has been established. For each HS code, an import duty and tax list is provided in the corresponding tariff schedule, which is consulted in this situation. The applicable tariffs and taxes for the items, as well as any applicable exemptions or special situations, are listed in the tariff schedule.


The importer could occasionally be asked for more details or paperwork in order to properly classify their goods. This could include original certificates of manufacture or other supporting records. In some nations, importers may also need an official ruling from a customs authority to determine the correct classification for their goods.


All importers should have a clear understanding of the role that tariff categorization plays in the process of international trade. Importers may make sure they are paying the necessary import duties and taxes by properly classifying their products, as well as make sure the government is getting the right amount of money.

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