
Tariff Classification of Motorcycle and Its Parts and Accessories.

When it comes to the classification of motorcycles and its parts and accessories, there are several factors to consider. It is important to determine the exact type or category of the motorcycle, as well as the specific parts and accessories in order to properly classify them for tariff purposes.

Determine The Exact Type of Motorcycle.

First and foremost, it is essential to determine the exact type of motorcycle you are dealing with. Generally speaking, there are three main categories of motorcycles: sport bikes, cruisers, and touring. Each type of bike is unique, and has its own unique set of parts and accessories. This can include everything from engine parts and fuel systems, to brakes, frames, and wheels. It is important to have an accurate understanding of the type of motorcycle you are dealing with in order to properly classify it for tariff purposes.

Determine The Exact Parts.

The second step is to determine the exact parts and accessories associated with the motorcycle. This includes everything from the frame, engine, and brakes to the handlebars, saddle, and other components. It is important to have an accurate understanding of the components in order to properly classify them for tariff purposes. For example, some parts may be considered “general purpose parts” while others may be considered “special purpose parts” and require different tariff classifications.

Type of Accessory

In addition to the type of motorcycle and its parts, you also need to consider the type of accessories you are dealing with. This includes items such as helmets, riding apparel, and other protective gear. Again, it is important to have an accurate understanding of the accessory in order to properly classify it for tariff purposes.

Find The Tariff.

Once you have an accurate understanding of the type of motorcycle and its associated parts and accessories, you can begin the process of determining the appropriate tariff classification for each. Generally speaking, motorcycles and their parts are classified under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) and the schedule is broken down into chapters and categories for easy reference. It is important to consult the HTS in order to determine the correct tariff classifications for each item.


In conclusion, the process of determining the tariff classification for motorcycles and their parts and accessories can be complex. It is important to have an accurate understanding of the type of motorcycle and its components in order to properly classify them for tariff purposes. Additionally, it is important to consult the Harmonized Tariff Schedule in order to determine the correct tariff classifications for each item. With an accurate understanding of the type of motorcycle and its parts and accessories, you can ensure that the appropriate tariff classifications are applied.

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