Bag and Cases.

Tariff Classification of Cases and Bag

When it comes to deciding on the tariff classification for travel goods, handbags and similar containers, it is important to consider several factors. These include the materials used in the construction of the item, the item’s purpose and its intended use, as well as any special features or characteristics associated with it. This article will discuss the different considerations that should be taken into account when determining the correct classification for these items.

Consider the material

The first factor to consider is the material from which the item is made. Generally, the materials used in the manufacture of these items will determine whether they fall under the heading of “travel goods”, “handbags” or “similar containers”. For example, items made from leather or similar materials are typically classified under the heading of “handbags”, while items made from canvas, plastic, or other materials are classified as “travel goods” or “similar containers”.

Purposes and intended use

The next factor to consider is the item’s purpose and intended use. Generally, items made for the purpose of carrying items such as clothing, toiletries, and other items related to travel are classified as “travel goods”. On the other hand, items used for carrying items such as wallets, keys, and other personal items are usually classified as “handbags” or “similar containers”.

Define characteristics

Finally, any special features or characteristics associated with the item should also be taken into account when determining the correct classification. For instance, items with pockets, compartments, or straps designed specifically to store items related to travel would generally be classified as “travel goods”, whereas those with compartments designed for personal items such as wallets or keys would generally be classified as “handbags” or “similar containers”.


In conclusion, when deciding on the tariff classification for travel goods, handbags and similar containers, it is important to consider the material from which the item is made, its purpose and intended use, as well as any special features or characteristics associated with it. By taking all these factors into account, you can ensure that you are making the correct classification for the item in question.

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