customs warehouse.

Labour Shortages Threaten Functionality of Customs and Border Agencies – EY

According to Dan Dreyfus, Global Trade and Customs Leader at Ernst & Young, labour shortages are causing issues for border and customs authorities. According to Dreyfus, the shortages are seriously affecting the agencies’ capacity to guarantee the uninterrupted movement of products and services around the globe.

The backbone of the global supply system is made up of customs and border agencies, but Dreyfus claimed that these organisations are overworked and understaffed. The lack of trained staff at the agencies is causing ineffective procedures and backlogs.

Dreyfus thinks that the labour shortage is a serious issue that needs to be resolved right once since it might seriously disrupt the world’s supply chain. He thinks that in order to make sure that the agencies have enough staff, governments and employers must cooperate.

Governments and employers must work together to make sure that border and customs authorities have enough workers, according to Dreyfus. This will guarantee that the organisations can carry out their crucial function in the global supply chain.

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