How to do tariff classification of Christmas article?

How to do tariff classification of Christmas article?

The holiday season is a time of joy and cheer, but it can also be a time of frustration as you try to figure out the tariff classification of Christmas articles. Tariff classification is an important step in determining the applicable duties and taxes on imported goods, and if incorrectly classified, it can mean the difference between a smooth holiday season and a costly one. But don’t worry; with the right information and a little bit of research, you can easily classify Christmas articles correctly.

Understand the HSN.

Before beginning the tariff classification process, it is important to understand the Harmonized System (HS) and its nomenclature. The HS is a standardized international system for classifying goods, and it is used by customs agents worldwide. It consists of 6-digit codes that represent different types of products and services, and it is the same across all countries. Understanding the HS nomenclature and the six-digit codes is key to correctly classifying Christmas articles.

Defines the heading.

Once you have a basic understanding of the HS nomenclature, it is time to begin the tariff classification process. It is important to note that the first four digits of the HS code represent the product’s “heading”, which is the broadest category of the product being imported. For example, Christmas articles may fall under the heading of “9505” which is for “Articles for Christmas Festivities”.

Identify the product.

Once you have identified the heading for the Christmas articles, the next step is to identify the specific product type within that heading. This is done by looking at the last two digits of the HS code, which are more specific and represent the “subheading” of the product. For example, Christmas articles may fall under the subheading of “9505.90” which is for “Other articles for Christmas festivities”.

Defines the sub-heading.

Once you have identified the heading and subheading of the Christmas articles, the next step is to look at the product’s description and determine the applicable HS code. This is done by looking at the product’s features and functions, as well as its intended use. For example, a set of Christmas tree ornaments could fall under the HS code “9505.90.20” which is for “Christmas tree ornaments”.

Documentation and duty.

Once you have identified the correct HS code for the Christmas articles, the next step is to determine the applicable duties and taxes. This can be done by looking up the product’s HS code in the applicable country’s tariff database. Depending on the country, the duties and taxes may vary and can include customs duties, value-added taxes, and other taxes and fees.


The tariff classification of Christmas articles can seem intimidating at first, but with a basic understanding of the HS nomenclature and a bit of research, it can be done quickly and easily. By correctly classifying Christmas articles, you can ensure that you pay the correct duties and taxes and avoid costly penalties and delays. So, take the time to correctly classify your Christmas articles and make sure you have a smooth and worry-free holiday season.

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