
Tariff Classification is the process of assigning an appropriate tariff code to a product for import or export. Tariff codes are used by customs to determine the rate of duty and taxes applied to a particular item. It is important to accurately classify a product as the wrong classification can result in higher duty or taxes than necessary or even a denial of entry.

Learning to classify goods can be a difficult process as it involves understanding the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), which is an internationally recognized system of names and numbers used to classify traded products. Understanding the HS codes and the related product descriptions is the key to correctly assigning a tariff classification.

Symbolic images of global tariff and its classification.

General overview of GRI ( General rules of Interpretation)

There are a few fundamental interpretational guidelines that should be followed when classifying trade compliance. These guidelines are intended to aid businesses in comprehending and observing the relevant laws and regulations. In this article, we’ll examine the main general principles of interpretation used in trade compliance classification. [ We will shortly write a detailed post

General overview of GRI ( General rules of Interpretation) Read More »